University ESL Job in Bengbu city in An Hui!13K/M before tax+Free Housing+Paid Holidays. Start in February
Job Information:
- Work load:Up to 16 classes/week(12 classes/week normally,45mins/class)+no office hrs+weekends off
- Student age: above 18
- Type of school: university
- Teaching subject: English
- Teaching material: provided
- Location:LongZiHu dist.,Bengbu city, An Hui
- Start time:February 2024(11.5months of contract)
- Vacancy:1 ESL(mainly Oral English) teacher
Job Benefits/Welfare:
- Salary:13K/M before tax
- Housing: Free apartment on campus with two bed rooms, not shared.
- Free utilities(water/power/gas)
- Summer/winter holiday: provided and fully paid under contract period.
- Chinese national holidays: all paid .
- Flight allowance: 10K/year
- Travel allowance:2.2K/year
- Insurance: provided
- Work visa and work permit card: provided
- The university can help with the tuition for your children.
Qualifications and Requirements of All Candidates:
- Native English speaker
- Age under 50, negotiable for ph.D holder
- Hold a university degree
- TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other teaching certificate
- Have 2 years of teaching experience in relevant field
- Able to commit to a full time contract
To apply, please contact Penny to discuss further.